AI to the rescue: Pioneering solutions to minimize airplane crashes

Dippu Kumar Singh *

Fujitsu North America Inc.Senior Solutions Architect (For Emerging Solutions), United States of America.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2022, 07(01), 203-218.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2022.7.1.0108
Publication history: 
Received on 26 August 2022; revised on 28 September 2022; accepted on 30 September 2022
The aviation sector demonstrates enhanced safety conditions through years of development but airplane disasters persist because of human mistakes together with mechanical breakdowns hazardous weather conditions and computer security threats. Artificial Intelligence (AI) deployment in aviation has become a transformative answer to lower these threats while boosting flight security levels. Data exploited by the aviation sector as well as predictive solutions in maintenance and decision support systems for pilots and air traffic control and improving weather through innovations developed by AI. Artificial Intelligence systems process enormous real-time data sets which enables them to discover upcoming system failures ahead of time leading to both decreased equipment breakdowns and planned maintenance procedures. AI copilot systems and fatigue monitoring equipment aid pilots in making better flight choices because they pair up with human operators and these tools also help maintain flight safety. AI advances enhance the estimation of weather conditions which allows aircraft to steer clear of dangerous areas for flight operations. AI protects aviation cybersecurity by both detecting emerging security risks as well as stopping potential threats from taking effect. Regulatory bodies and ethical standards play a vital role in managing the relationship between human supervision and automated safety systems which leading airlines and manufacturers continue deploying. Lorem. The article demonstrates how artificial intelligence technology significantly improves aviation safety by decreasing the number of plane accidents while enhancing flight security.
Artificial Intelligence (AI); Aviation safety; Autonomous aircraft; Predictive maintenance; Air traffic management; Human error; AI-driven systems; Continuous learning AI models; Flight optimization; Pilot decision-making
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