An automatic dried shrimp peeling system

Nguyen Minh Thanh *, Mai Huu Quoc, Nguyen Huu Tai, Nguyen Van Chi Tam and Nguyen Thi My Tien

School of Engineering and Technology, Tra Vinh University, 87000 Tra Vinh, Viet Nam.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 10(02), 127–132.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.10.2.0282
Publication history: 
Received on 16 September 2023; revised on 02 December 2023; accepted on 05 December 2023
This study focuses on designing an automatic dried shrimp peeling system. The system has two operating modes: manual and automatic. The process is from feeding dried shrimp into the beating cage, peeling the shrimp and floor to remove broken shrimp shells from shrimp meat, and peeling dried shrimp shells to form a complete system. Construction system with automatic packaging and vacuum function. The solution is to use the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) to communicate with the inverter to control the 3-phase motor to run at many speed levels to suit the peeling of different types of shrimp and the output of the system is dried shrimp packaged and vacuum sealed. The HMI control and monitoring unit will be applied to set parameters on the number of dried shrimps in each batch and the type of shrimp that needs to be evaluated and quantified in the package.
Dried Shrimp; Peeling system; PLC; Shrimp packaged
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