Blynk based aquaculture monitoring system using IOT
Department of Information Technology Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan, Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College Avadi-Vel Tech Road, Chennai, India – 600062.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 08(01), 262–269.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.8.1.0039
Publication history:
Received on 22 December 2022; revised on 04 February 2023; accepted on 07 February 2023
Internet of Things (IOT) is one of the development trends technologies reduces the amount of human labor and creates an economy ethnic. Currently, IoT is applied in many fields such as medicine, agriculture, traffic system, training, monitoring, etc. It is the most important because aquaculture is an outdated field of applied science. As similar to In other areas such as agriculture, it is essential to identify problems that arise this field with the help of technology. The term Aquaculture mainly refers to Aquaculture such as fish and plants takes place in many forms aquatic environments, including lakes, rivers, ponds, oceans, and artificially closed areas terrestrial environmental systems. Aqua culture plays an important role in economic development and food production in our country. adopt fish can quickly and easily using monitoring systems. Water quality can be a fundamental problem and it depends on various parameters like pH, turbidity, Temperature, dissolved oxygen, Ammonia etc. Suggestion system continuous monitoring of water quality parameters by various sensors. The detected information is transmitted to the mobile phone of the aquarist via the web cloud waiter. It will also notify the aquarist about the data through the app. This system will activate automated farming system to make appropriate adjustments to the environment of the self-contained artificial pond. So the water quality parameters keeping a balance, culture is the root of health and development of living organisms. This system will monitor the water quality parameters and regularly access water quality parameters.
Aquaculture; Web Cloud Waiter; Turbidity; Ammonia; IOT; Self-Contained Artificial Pond
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