Breaking boundaries: Revolutionizing healthcare with agile methodology
Washington University of science and technology, Virginia, USA
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 13(02), 346–354.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.13.2.0568
Publication history:
Received on 05 October 2024; revised on 14 November 2024; accepted on 17 November 2024
Recent developments in patient care delivery are faced with many barriers across different levels globally, including the need to provide care that is high quality, affordable, and dynamic (Smith et al, 2022). The Agile approach, which is primarily considered a flexible, organic, and parametric arrangement of work, has had substantial leeway in managing healthcare systems encouraging the evolution of a system that is more effortless, timelier and focused on patients (Johnson and Lee, 2023). The current article includes an analysis of the usage of Agile methodology in the healthcare industry and how it dispels all the transformation. Namely, we address the main adapt and overcome principles in the context of improving patient care as well as processes and technologies, including - (Thomas, 2022; Young and Nguyen, 2023) – efficiency. We show through hospitals case studies, interventions of digital health, and drug development research that the Argyle’s managing cycles help health care organizations to heal by engaging their audience more quickly and efficiently, avoiding ex-physician silos and embracing new medical devices and EHRs such as AI (Brown and Lewis, 2022; Patel et al. 2023).
Although Agile brings many benefits, health systems usually face structural cultural issues, compliance-related challenges, and difficulties such as those in investments which make it hard to implement Agile shift (Green, 2023). Examples of the solutions offered in this study cover such issues as nurturing change competencies, embedding agile within the scope of regulatory requirements, and ensuring effective use of resources (Hernandez and Walker, 2022). The article further explores the emerging purposes that Agile, in particular, is likely to serve in support of advancing technologies, i.e., predictive analytics, targeting treatment, and robotics, therefore emphasizing its integration into a more active patient care provision (Davis et al., 2023; Singh and Patel, 2024). The results indicate that learning and Implementing Agile methodology on practices in health care can be a game changer, in improving the delivery of healthcare services, enhancing survival rates of the organizations, and preparing the health care systems for the future (Smith et al., 2022; Young and Nguyen, 2023).
Agile methodology in healthcare; Healthcare innovation; Patient-centered care; Iterative healthcare solutions; Cross-functional healthcare teams; Digital health transformation; Agile project management; Adaptive healthcare systems
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