Characterization of embankment material using sand tire mix as additive and validating the results obtained from large scale direct shear test in Abaqus software
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 12(02), 394-402.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.12.2.0314
Publication history:
Received on 12 June 2024; revised on 23 July 2024; accepted on 25 July 2024
Laboratory direct shear tests often overlook larger particles due to limitations in shear box design, resulting in an inadequate portrayal of real-world soil conditions. To address this gap, the use of large-scale direct shear apparatus capable of accommodating larger particles is essential. However, conducting such tests with varied sizes of tire shreds, mixing ratios, and loads is intricate and resource-intensive. Therefore, the utilization of numerical modeling is suggested to simulate sand-tire mixtures under diverse conditions. This study presents conclusions derived from comparing numerical results with experimental observations, demonstrating a close correspondence between the two. It offers a comprehensive examination of the impact of sand and shredded tires mixtures on shear strength, indicating a consistent pattern: increased quantities of tire shreds correspond to heightened friction angles. Furthermore, specimens containing larger shredded tire particles display elevated friction angles, implying a possible connection between particle size and frictional behavior. This investigation underscores the importance of numerical modeling as a cost-efficient and effective approach to complement experimental inquiries, enriching our comprehension of soil-tire mixture dynamics and guiding practical applications in transportation and geotechnical engineering.
Sand Tire Mix; Frictional Angel; Shear Strength; Abaqus Software; Tire shred; Normal and Shear Stress.TDA
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