Development of model predictive controller in avoidance design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

Kelechi Kingsley Igbokwe 1, *, James Eke 2 and Patrick Uche Okafor 2

1 Department of Physics, Electronics, Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Electrical, Electronics, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 09(01), 076–083.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.9.1.0137
Publication history: 
Received on 27 March 2023; revised on 09 May 2023; accepted on 12 May 2023
This research was accomplished by employing already developed mathematical model of a 6DoF UAV in free space through the motion of the 6DoF aircraft (unmanned aerial vehicle) determined by coordinate systems which allow an aircraft’s position and orientation in space to be kept tracked. The discrete method of the model developed for simulation in Simulink was realized with a suitable transfer function. Then, an artificial neural network model predictive adaptive controller that can handle the nonlinearities associated with the UAV was developed based on state space technique and the model predictive controller (MPC) utilizes a neural network model to envisage future plant (aircraft) responses to potential control signals. The developed model predictive controller network was successfully trained offline using Feed-forward Back-propagation algorithm with speed and position as inputs since the underlying objective of this work is to improve the speed and position in order to advance the safety collision distance of the UAV because these parameters are mostly considered in the avoidance maneuver performance. Also, the results reveal that the speed of the generated UAV is approximately the input speed of 75MS1 during the time the UAV is affecting maneuvering. Significance of the result is that the proposed algorithm is capable of generating collision-free trajectory for different waypoint cases.
UAV; Model Predictive Controller; Avoidance Strategies; Avoidance Design; Maneuver
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