Development of multi spindle drill head for portable drilling machine
Department of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Section, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat, Oman.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 08(01), 022-028.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.8.1.0182
Publication history:
Received on 25 November 2022; revised on 06 January 2023; accepted on 09 January 2023
Productivity and quality in Oman factories are crucial to the development of the industry. Manufacturing efficiency is one of the most important variables in determining an organization's productivity. The total machining time can be reduced by merging operations, etc., which in turn increases productivity. With mass production, speed of production is of the utmost importance because there is a smaller pool of potential workers but a much larger quantity to be made. Using multipurpose machinery to crank out these goods is out of the question. The employment of dedicated machinery is the most effective method for increasing both output (productivity) and quality. As a result of creating and developing a multi spindle drilling head attachment, the current radial drilling machine will be more useful and perform better. This paper discusses the development work done for a similar assignment, and it also includes an industry case study.
Methods; Multi spindle drilling head; Design; Manufacturing
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