Development of a responsive web-based Final-Year Project Repository System (FYPRS) for Nigerian Tertiary Institutions

Onwuegbuzie Innocent Uzougbo * and Adu Michael Kolade

The Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 12(01), 454–462.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.12.1.0246
Publication history: 
Received on 13 May 2024; revised on 22 June 2024; accepted on 24 June 2024
The management of final-year projects in Nigerian tertiary institutions faces significant challenges due to the use of manual and paper-based outdated systems, which are time-consuming, inefficient, and prone to errors and losses. This paper presents the development, implementation, and evaluation of the web-based Final-Year Project Repository System (FYPRS), a comprehensive solution for managing final-year projects in these institutions. The FYPRS is a responsive web application designed using the Laravel framework. It provides a centralized platform for students to submit and store their final-year projects, and for faculty members to evaluate and access them. Key features include user authentication, project submission and evaluation, and a search engine. The solution addresses the limitations of traditional approaches by automating and streamlining project management processes. It enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the final-year project process, which is a critical component of the undergraduate curriculum. By providing a centralized platform, the application improves the quality and relevance of final-year projects, facilitating the sharing and dissemination of knowledge gained from these projects. The development, implementation, and evaluation of the FYPRS follow a rigorous methodology, including literature review, needs assessment, system design and analysis, implementation, and testing. The results demonstrate the system's reliability, efficiency, and effectiveness, with high usability and adoption potential. The successful adoption of the application in Nigerian tertiary institutions is a significant step towards improving the undergraduate curriculum and enhancing the success and impact of students undertaking final-year projects. The FYPRS represents a valuable contribution to the management of final-year projects in these institutions.
Final-Year Project Repository System; Nigerian Tertiary Institutions; Laravel; Web-Based; Responsive
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