DevOps workflow optimization: Enhancing deployment and efficiency for cloud application

Devik Pareek * and Prashanth K

Department of Master of Computer Applications, RV College of Engineering Bengaluru, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 13(01), 018–026.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.13.1.0361
Publication history: 
Received on 16 July 2024; revised on 28 August 2024; accepted on 30 August 2024
DevOps has quickly become an essential process for cloud software in the contemporary world of utilizing software. However, questions regarding the efficiency of the work flow and speed of application deployment still prevails especially when implemented under cloud environment. This paper focuses on the workflow optimization techniques of DevOps including automation of work, integration and deployment processes CI/CD, Infrastructure to code IaC, and monitoring. The aim is to give guidance on how to increase the velocity of deployment and operation when it comes to applications hosted in the cloud. The information presented from the evaluation of the main optimization strategies can help organizations to enhance the overall cycle time and improve the quality of the products at the same time.
DevOps; Workflow Optimization; CI/CD; Infrastructure as Code; Cloud Applications; Automation; Deployment Efficiency
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