Enhancing user experience in mobile applications through AI-driven personalization and adaptive learning algorithms

Prathyusha Nama *

Independent Researcher, USA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2021, 03(02), 083–094.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2021.3.2.0064
Publication history: 
Received on 09 August 2021; revised on 20 October 2021; accepted on 24 October 2021
The tremendous increase in the number of people using mobile applications has made UX as one of the biggest factors in determining the success of an application. The following paper aims to identify the prospects and issues of improving UX in mobile apps, emphasizing AI-based personalization and adaptive learning. The users and the devices they use are under pressure, and thus, it is difficult for developers to design intuitive, simple, and enjoyable experiences. With the help of AI, applications can learn and understand the consumer's behavior and interests in real-time and offer the most relevant content to increase consumer loyalty. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of adaptive learning algorithms makes applications capable of learning from user behavior and thus remain beneficial to the user in the future. This work seeks to establish whether these technologies can enhance user satisfaction and business results by meeting the needs of various users and preparing mobile apps for the future. The study will provide real world recommendations to the developers on how they can embrace AI technologies in the development of effective mobile applications.
User Experience (UX); Artificial Intelligence (AI); Personalization; Adaptive Learning Algorithms; Mobile Applications
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