Geological environmental factors of resident’s cancer distribution in Beijing-Tianjin Corridor

Jin-zhong Gong *

Hebei Institute of Geophysical Exploration, Langfang 065000, China.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2021, 03(02), 024–037.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2021.3.2.0068
Publication history: 
Received on 01 September 2021; revised on 23 October 2021; accepted on 25 October 2021
The corridor region between Beijing and Tianjin in China belongs to the alluvial and proluvial sedimentary plains of different water systems, and the social economy is very developed. By personally interviewing local villagers, the author obtained data on cancer morbidity and mortality at the village level. Using GIS operating platform, the author makes contour map, its value ranges from 10/10,000 to 100/10,000 and has significant zonal distribution characteristics. The authors analyzed the relationship between cancer distribution and natural geography, soil and hydrogeochemical data in the region, the results showed that there was a significant negative correlation (n=222, γ0.05=0.163): shallow water level buried depth -0.4218, surface soil pH-0.3702, altitude elevation -0.3448, surface soil SiO2-0.3158, significant positive correlation: surface soil Pb0.5769, Cd0.4629,deep soil (-1.3m) N0.5518, Hg0.4321, surface soil Mo0.3486, Cu0.3340, As0.3234, Fe2O30.2913, Mn0.2906,U0.2882, F0.2833, shallow groundwater NH4-N0.2768, surface soil V0.2835, Ni0.2707, F0.2604, Cr0.2460, Tl0.2241, shallow groundwater As0.2199,Cd0.2109, NO30.1644. According to the characteristic pollutant frequency table of 340 key industries in Langfang area, the correlation coefficient of organic pollutants and mercury was calculated: benzopyrene 0.4723, pyridine 0.1551, formaldehyde 0.1371, dioxin 0.1138.Based on the results of this study, the authors established a mode chart of the relationship between geochemical anomalies (contamination sources) of soil waters- geotechnical hydrological conditions (migration pathways)-resident cancer distribution (sensitive receptors).
Cancer distribution map; Soil and groundwater; Geological geochemistry; Relationship model; Beijing-Tianjin Corridor region
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