Improving students’ vocabulary competence by using total physical response method to junior high school students in Manokwari, West Papua Province-Indonesia

Alfons Napoleon Arsai 1, * and Almendita Flora Wendelmood Arsai 2

1 English Education Department, Faculty of teacher training and education, The University of Papua Manokwari-Indonesia
2 Tourism, accountancy, marketing, and banking departments, The First State Vocational School of Manokwari West Papua Province, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 09(01), 391–398.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.9.1.0188
Publication history: 
Received on 17 May 2023; revised on 27 June 2023; accepted on 30 June 2023
The purpose of this research is to improve students’ ability in teaching vocabulary through Total Physical Response method. The method of this research was classroom action research, which was conducted in two cycles. The focus of this research was the 8th grade of the 15 Junior high school in Manokwari West Papua Province, Indonesia in the first semester, year 2020/2021. The research instruments were pre-test, observation sheet, and lesson plan. The findings shows that the result of data analysis through pre-test, post-test1 and post-2, the mean score of pre –test was 54.5 in “Fair” category. Students had improvement on post-test 1 after implementing the first treatment was 74.42 in “Good” category and the significant improvement after implementing the second and third treatment on the last post-test was 82.04 in “very good” category. Based on the result of the test, it showed that Total Physical Response method can enhance students’ ability in teaching vocabulary.
Improving; Teaching vocabulary; Total physical response; Classroom action research
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