Leveraging on AI-powered learning systems: Enhancing educational equity in digital classrooms
1 Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois Springfield. Springfield Illinois.
2 Department of Management Information Systems, University of Illinois Springfield. Springfield Illinois.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 08(01), 469-483.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.8.1.0047
Publication history:
Received on 01 January 2023; revised on 08 February 2023; accepted on 10 February 2023
The introduction of AI in the education sector has certainly transformed the realm of digital learning. The integration of AI offers the potential to close educational gaps. AI-driven learning platforms cater to each student's needs, ready to offer tailored lessons, adapt according to learning advancements, and deliver immediate feedback, thereby enhancing educational equity. This article examines the efficacy of AI-driven adaptive learning and its role in bridging the differences among students with diverse educational backgrounds, abilities, and access to resources. We examine AI’s capability for personalized content distribution, inclusive education, and support for underprivileged students to understand how digital classrooms promote greater equity in education. Instead of concentrating exclusively on teachers and students, we gather and examine data from AI-driven learning settings, which enhances our conclusions. Key factors involve higher engagement in the classroom, information retention, and enhanced overall achievement among various socio-economic and geographic categories. The findings indicate that AI intervention systems have achieved the most significant enhancements in narrowing achievement gaps by adapting learning speeds and offering focused support. This study contributes to the academic discourse surrounding AI ethics and educational accessibility by suggesting the implementation of policies that promote equity, accountability, and inclusivity in learning technologies designed around AI. Additional efforts should concentrate on enhancing AI models for the most at-risk populations and incorporating human oversight to ensure fair learning opportunities.
AI Learning Systems; Educational Access; Virtual Classrooms; Personalized education
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