Long term and short-term occupational health risks associated with petroleum industry in India

Vikas Mahalkar 1, *, Sanjay Kumar 2 and Sanjeev Singhal 3

1 Senior Medical Officer, Occupational Health Centre, Institute of Petroleum Safety, Health & Environment Management (IPSHEM)- ONGC, Goa.
2 General Manager, Support Manager, IPSHEM- ONGC, Goa.
3 Executive Director, Head of Institute, IPSHEM- ONGC, Goa.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2022, 05(02), 054–061.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2022.5.2.0044
Publication history: 
Received on 23 February 2022; revised on 27 March 2022; accepted on 29 March 2022
The present informative article is intended to focus on the occupational diseases being faced by oil and gas company’s employees, its effects on their health, family life and some remedies have been discussed to overcome the problems related to their health. Occupational hazards are always been a prominent issue in industries especially hazardous industries like Petroleum Industry. In this review paper, we have tried to mention and identify most of the long term and short-term health risks associated with Petroleum Industry in India. Also, it covers Ergonomics/ mechanical hazards and Psychological Hazards in Oil & Gas Industry in India. This review article outlines the health hazards and risks present in petroleum industry and it mentions preventive measures to minimize the health risks by analyzing the root cause. We have tried to mention primary causes of Occupational Diseases associated with petroleum Industry and its prevention. The health hazards that are present in oil and gas industries are classified as long term and short term depending on primarily on the duration of Exposure. It was felt that there is a need to do work on safety of human capital resulting in the culmination of this review article paper.
Occupational Health Hazards in petroleum industry; Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL); Whole Body Vibration; Ionizing Radiation; Ergonomics
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