Measuring perspective of supportive housing programs on mental health and substance use-recovery: A Descriptive Analysis
1 College of Business, University of New Haven, USA.
2 College of Health Science, Jackson State University, USA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 10(02), 339-360.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.10.2.0127
Publication history:
Received on 02 May 2023; revised on 21 December 2023; accepted on 25 December 2023
Mental health and substance abuse problems among homeless people are serious public health concerns that raise death and illness rates in the United States. We studied the mental health and substance abuse rates among homeless people to see their impact on their lives while looking at how states and federal authorities help tackle this problem. The team performed online database searches across Google Scholar, Science Direct, Medline, Embase, and Scopus databases from 1990 to 2023 for research material identification. Participants between 18 and 64 were studied for their mental health challenges, Substance Use, and homelessness and the research excluded interventional and rehabilitation data. Thirty scholarly works dedicated to understanding substance abuse and mental health problems among homeless Americans emerged from this research. We performed a systematic analysis of peer-reviewed publications using different academic databases. We collected data about how common mental health issues and drug use problems are among homeless people over time while looking at their age groups and results from treatment programs. We used statistical methods to find important relationships between study data. Our research combined statistical analysis with historical data evaluation and tested various intervention solutions. Studies found homeless men experienced more mental health and Substance Use-disorders including depression and anxiety than homeless females. Before 2018 alcohol posed the biggest substance abuse challenge in the region but methamphetamine use emerged as equally dangerous by 2018. The latest HUD and SAMHSA statistics reveal growing numbers of homeless people who have both mental health and Substance Use-disorders. About 60% of individuals experiencing homelessness develop both mental health disorders and substance addiction as their situation progresses. The evidence shows we should create united treatment systems and research how mental and substance abuse disorders affect people experiencing homelessness. Health care organizations and government officials need to design complete treatment plans that target both mental health and addiction disorders at the same time. We need different treatment methods that match each age group and their cultural background. Patients achieve better treatment outcomes when addiction and mental health treatment programs team up with access to housing. Research needs immediate attention to track mental health and Substance Use patterns of homeless individuals especially on new drugs and treatment availability. Data indicates mental health and Substance Use-disorders continue to worsen among people who experience homelessness. A successful program must bring together safe housing options alongside psychological care and drug recovery services. By developing targeted programs and improving access to care we can help homeless individuals who struggle with mental health and Substance Use-disorders.
Homelessness; Mental health disorders; Substance Use patterns; Psychiatric epidemiology; Treatment accessibility; Healthcare disparities; Integrated care models; Service utilization; Psychiatric comorbidity; Housing stability; Healthcare systems; Treatment outcomes; Social determinants
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