Optimizing automation systems with AI: A study on enhancing workflow efficiency through intelligent decision-making algorithms

Prathyusha Nama *

Independent Researcher, USA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2022, 07(02), 296–307.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2022.7.2.0118
Publication history: 
Received on 26 September 2022; revised on 20 December 2022; accepted on 24 December 2022
This research examines how Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhances the efficiency of automation systems by analyzing resource use and adaptability. Classic automation frameworks regularly deal with difficulties with variable environments and involve heavy human interaction—innovative automation driven by AI promises to improve operations by allowing real-time choices and reducing errors. The investigation incorporates cases and simulations from different industries to show increased resource efficiency by 20 to 30% and less human input by 40 to 50%. Tests and regression models indicated noteworthy improvements in AI-equipped systems over conventional ones. Obvious gains are seen from integrating AI, yet difficulties with data quality and system complexity persist. The study shows that AI will be vital for the progress of automation systems and will increase efficiency in operations alongside workforce shifts.
Artificial Intelligence (AI); Automation Systems; Workflow Efficiency; Intelligent Decision-Making; Machine Learning
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