Proximate and mineral composition of some wild leafy vegetables consumed in Katsina State Nigeria
Department of Biology, School of Secondary Education Sciences, Federal College of Education, Katsina, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 09(01), 084–088.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.9.1.0141
Publication history:
Received on 04 April 2023; revised on 13 May 2023; accepted on 16 May 2023
In Sub Saharan Africa, people utilised wild leafy vegetables and herbs in order to meet the daily recommended nutritional requirements for the betterment of health and general well being, In this study, seven wild leafy vegetables consumed in Katsina State, Nigeria were studied for their proximate analysis and mineral composition. B. salicifolia (Capparaceae), T. globiferus (Loranthaceae), F. glumosa (Moraceae), C. religiosa (Capparaceae), M. angolensis (Capparaceae), S.occidentalis (Fabaceae) and P.thonningii (Fabaceae), were evaluated using standard methods. The results showed that, Carbohydrates is the most abundant nutrient present in the selected plants. The crude protein ranged from 13.23– 9.33.% with F. .glumosa and B. salicifolia providing the highest amount. The elemental analysis in ppm/l revealed the presence of Iron, Calcium within recommended daily values and low level of heavy metals in all the samples. The selected plants may therefore be considered as viable and cheap sources of dietary nutrients and their incorporation in diets may be said to be scientifically justifiable..
Wild; Edible; Leafy vegetables; Nutrients; Minerals
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