Transforming healthcare systems in medically underserved rural areas (Muas) via digital technology


9712 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring MD,20903, State of America.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 13(01), 048–056.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.13.1.0367
Publication history: 
Received on 13 July 2024; revised on 28 August 2024; accepted on 30 August 2024
This article reviews the challenges and impacts of digital transformation in the healthcare systems in rural and underserved areas and the possible solution to this menace. In the developed nations of the world, bridging the gap between the poor and the rich has been challenging as a result of the introduction of social health facilities unaffordable for the poor populace. Telemedicine provides an easier and better way of communicating remotely with healthcare providers without having to travel long distances and spend more. It focuses on the introduction of eHealth facilities in rural areas to bring about equal access to healthcare. The obstacles of accessing remote areas through the implementation of various telecommunication networks, and the necessity of telemedicine in the underserved and rural areas in the underdeveloped nations of Africa as a case study.
The necessity of applying telemedicine in solving various health issues has brought about many contradictions that have worsened the situation with numerous viable technologies examined along with the effectiveness of telemedicine in linking access to healthcare disparities.
Appropriate telecommunications networks should be set up in the underserved areas and rural areas of Africa since we have a larger percentage of the populace in this category. Thus, bringing about equality between the rich and the poor and providing all with the appropriate knowledge in telemedicine.
Telemedicine; Healthcare; Digital Transformation; Underserved
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