Scripting of mediated tasks in the learning of French as a foreign language

Safae El Gazi * and Ahmed Ibrahimi

A research team in educational science, language didactics, human and social sciences, Higher Normal School of Tetouan, Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 11(01), 402–409.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.11.1.0063
Publication history: 
Received on 05 January 2024; revised on 25 February 2024; accepted on 28 February 2024
This article examines how new technologies are increasingly integrated into the teaching of French as a foreign language (FLE). The scripting of mediated tasks, which is based on sequences of structured and multimedia activities, is considered a promising approach. Technologies such as mobile apps and virtual reality offer opportunities to improve learning of French as a foreign language. The article examines the definition of mediated tasks, how new technologies can be used effectively in their design, and how this affects learners' motivation. In short, it helps to understand how learning French as a foreign language has changed in the era of new technologies.
Information and Communication Technology; Pedagogical scenario; Conception; Media resources
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