Implementation of editorial television data warehouse: Health and business news will keep high since pandemic Covid-19

Eugenius Kau Suni * and Yudo Devianto

Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2021, 02(02), 001–020.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2021.2.2.0037
Publication history: 
Received on 27 March 2021; revised on 29 April 2021; accepted on 01 May 2021
Data warehouse technology in the world of informatics can be applied in television editors to predict events in the future. The results of implementing a data warehouse in television editors since the Covid-19 pandemic shows that in the future, television coverage will still be dominated by health news 80.64 percent and economic news 65.61 percent. In Indonesia, legal and criminal news reports have also become a news trend as a result of these health and economic problems. The television editorial data warehouse was designed using Kimball's Nine-Step method and implementation using Microsoft SQL Server and Tableau. And to predict the news in the future analyzed using the Markov model. Apart from analyzing television news, this data warehouse is also capable know the performance of the television editorial team, namely the performance of news producers, reporters, and cameramen. The results of this data warehouse can be used by television management and chief editors to make informed strategic decisions.
Television Editorial Decisions; News Television; Data Warehouse; SQL Server; Tableau; Markov Model.
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