Comprehensive investigation into contractors' challenges leading to project delays in Rabigh, Saudi Arabia

Mohamed M. Abo El-Wafa 1, * and Ibrahim Mosly 2

1 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
2 King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Engineering at Rabigh, Dept. of Civil & Environmental Eng., 21911 Rabigh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 11(02), 608–623.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.11.2.0151
Publication history: 
Received on 15 March 2024; revised on 25 April 2024; accepted on 27 April 2024
The construction industry has experienced significant fluctuations due to delays that change with each generation. Contractors, owners, consultants, and workers are involved in these delays, which have many causes. However, this research focuses on contractor barriers, which delay projects and sometimes disrupt them. To fully address this issue, a rigorous scientific research paper was carefully created. This paper sought to identify project delays' root causes. The process involved a thorough review of prior research, the collection of a lot of data on the main causes of delays, and the creation of a comprehensive table that lists 17 common factors. Then, consultants and engineers from various contractors who oversaw multiple Rabigh governorate projects were interviewed. The eleven interviews in this study were unique and comprehensive in investigating contractor delays. Thus, 17 key factors that cause contractors to miss project deadlines were identified. These factors were used to analyze and compare data from other research studies. These challenges and obstacles were carefully considered after analyzing engineer and consultant interviews. A comparative analysis was carried out in order to contrast the various points of view that were expressed by interviewees, the research that was already done, and the perspectives that were observed. The ultimate objective of this analysis was to determine the fundamental factors that contribute to delays in project delivery that are caused by contractors. The dissemination of these deliberations and results concluded this research endeavor as this matter deteriorated. The main goal was to reveal the fundamental principles that underlie this major construction and building industry challenge, enabling more effective solutions.
Contractor barriers; Project delays identification; Interviews with consultants; Project delivery efficiency
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