Addressing the climate crisis: The synergy of AI and electric vehicles in combatting global warming

AnandKumar Chennupati *

Masters in Computer Applications, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Ashok Nagar, India.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 12(01), 041–046.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.12.1.0179
Publication history: 
Received on 30 March 2024; revised on 05 May 2024; accepted on 07 May 2024
The climate catastrophe is a critical issue that requires quick and inventive solutions. The synergistic interaction between artificial intelligence (AI) and electric automobiles is one viable path for reducing global warming. This article investigates the relationship between AI and EVs in combating climate change. We begin by highlighting the severity and urgency of the climate situation, stressing the need for adequate mitigation solutions. We then investigate the role of electric cars as a greener alternative to typical fossil fuel vehicles, emphasizing their potential to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation industry.
Furthermore, we look at how AI technology might improve the efficiency and performance of electric cars, such as predictive maintenance, charging infrastructure optimization, and traffic management. By harnessing AI capabilities, EVs may function more efficiently, resulting in a considerable decrease in carbon emissions. Through this research, we highlight the necessity of cooperation between the AI and EV sectors and the need for supportive governmental frameworks to expedite the adoption of these technologies. Finally, this article argues for the revolutionary power of the AI-EV synergy in addressing global warming and creating a more sustainable future.
Artificial Intelligence; Global Warming; Greenhouse Gas Emission; Technological Advancements; Climate Crisis; Electric Vehicles (EVs)
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