Design and construction of a IoT based automated circuit breaker system
1 Electrical/Electronics Engineering Department, Benue State Polytechnic Ugbokolo. Nigeria.
2 Snowview telecommunications limited Warri, Delta State, Nigeria.
3 Everlink Telesat Network Limited Warri, Delta State, Nigeria.
4 Victoria Bus Company Ltd makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
5 Department of Computer and Communications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, (ATBU), P.M.B. 0248, Bauchi, Nigeria.
6 Automation/Instrumentation Ashakacem, Lafarge Nigeria, Gombe State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 12(02), 199–207.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.12.2.0281
Publication history:
Received on 26 May 2024; revised on 07 July 2024; accepted on 09 July 2024
Electrocution is a major fatal issue faced by electricians worldwide. A Circuit breaker is a device for automatic switching of electrical devices against overload and short circuits. However, advancements in technology allow for a more sophisticated approach: the cloud-based circuit breaker with a microcontroller and sensors for monitoring the line current and voltage levels. This system switches OFF the affected line when an electrical wire becomes defective, and the lineman may safely repair it. This design integrates real-time monitoring, remote control, and internet connectivity, enhancing electrical safety and offering valuable features for modern applications. At the heart of this design lies a microcontroller (Atmega328) and Esp8266_01(Wi-Fi Module). This tiny computer chip continuously monitors the circuit using current and voltage sensors. By regulating the power supply on the electrical lines, this system protects the safety of the lineman and reduces the risk of electrocution injuries.
IoT; ESP8266_01; Arduino Uno; Microcontroller
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