An automated process in building organic branding opportunity, budget Intensity, recommendation in seasons with Google trends data
9202 Appleford Cir 248, Owings Mills, Md, 21117, USA.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 12(02), 510–523.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.12.2.0326
Publication history:
Received on 11 June 2024; revised on 25 July 2024; accepted on 27 July 2024
We will discuss about the organic branding which is one of the most unique processes to build a brand. Most of the companies are trying to build their brand using paid branding through some well-known platforms like Google, Facebook, etc. Sometimes this method may work, but it may not have a far-reaching effect. Creating some hype is easy with paid branding. Creating mass-trust is not possible with paid branding. Moreover, it is expensive. Every company want a lot of organic traffic. The high volume of traffic will increase the orders for a company. For example, search for any online services such as software service providing website or e-commerce online stores or job boards or any other goods, the main revenue growth depends on the amount of traffic routed to their website.
Python; Google Trends; Digital Marketing; Artificial intelligence; Machine Learning; Information Technology
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