Comprehensive Performance and Scalability Assessment of Front-End Frameworks: React, Angular, and Vue.js
Full-Stack Developer at Emplifi Inc, University of California, Berkeley, Extension.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 09(02), 366–376.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.9.2.0153
Publication history:
Received on 10 May 2023; revised on 13 August 2023; accepted on 16 August 2023
This paper discusses performance and scalability opportunities of the three major modern front-end frameworks, namely React, Angular, and Vue.js. In this respect, the research tries to point out the strengths and limitations of the compared frameworks in handling large-scale and complex web applications by evaluating each against different load conditions or scalability scenarios. It does this by running a set of benchmark applications that test performance indicators such as load times, speed of rendering, memory usage, and CPU usage. Additionally, it investigates scalability through load testing-emulation of increased user interactions and complexity testing, observing how each of these frameworks handles increasing application complexity. Overall, the results obtained were good, especially those for React, where the use of its virtual DOM was exploited, though some optimization may be necessary when handling more complex state changes. Angular has great performance, though it can show increased load times and higher memory usage due to the richness of features. Vue.js has competitive performance, with lower memory usage and faster render times, balancing simplicity with scalability quite well. The study concludes by giving insight on how to select the correct framework based on an application's particular needs and thought on scalability for guidance on choosing the right tool for the development job at hand.
React; Angular; Vue.Js; Front-End Frameworks; Performance Metrics; Load Testing; Rendering Speed; Memory Usage; CPU Usage; Web Application Performance; Scalability; Resource Optimization
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