Condenser condition assessment in a thermal power plant: A comprehensive case study for performance optimization

Tina Oberoi 1, Vivek Sharma 1, * and Ashutosh Patel 2

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 USA.
2 Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Florida International University Miami, FL 33174 USA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2024, 13(02), 390–399.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2024.13.2.0599
Publication history: 
Received on 21 October 2024; revised on 30 November 2024; accepted on 02 December 2024
The condition assessment of condensers in thermal power plants presents significant challenges, primarily due to the lack of comprehensive data, particularly in the context of non-destructive testing (NDT), which is often not collected consistently or systematically. This paper addresses these challenges by thoroughly reviewing available non-destructive test reports and microstructure analysis data to evaluate the health of the condenser in a 300MW thermal power plant. Key operational and performance parameters, such as back pressure, terminal temperature difference (TTD), temperature rise (TR), and chlorine content of colling water, have been analyzed to assess the condition of the condenser. Additionally, a degradation growth model is developed to predict tube failure, and a retubing strategy is proposed to mitigate the risk of failure and optimize performance.
Condenser; Condition assessment; Non-destructive testing; Retubing; Degradation
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