Predictive analytics with AI for cloud security risk management

Kiran Kumar Nalla *

Principal Software Engineer Lead at Microsoft.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 10(02), 297-308.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.10.2.0298
Publication history: 
Received on 13 November 2023; revised on 26 December 2023; accepted on 28 December 2023
Organizations today require cloud computing as a strategic resource, but it causes several security issues, such as susceptibility to cyber-attacks and data theft. Thus, this research focuses on establishing AI applications for predictive analytics as a revolutionary solution to Cloud Security risk assessment. Using AI-based technologies helps organizations identify risks, assess the risks, and improve organizational security in general. Risk management is greatly gotten through predictive analytics since it offers a definite way to eliminate risks compared to other analytical models that mainly focus on corrected events and create proactive measures to counter threats in cloud security.
The study employs: Data, Cases and theoretical and empirical models to make a comparison of A.I in cloud security. The important insights demonstrate that AI-automated predictive threat analysis results in a higher probability of threats decoding, reduces response time, and improves traditional security countermeasure tools. The research indicates that it is possible and imperative to implement these solutions to have strong and elastic cloud security models as threats continue to change.
Predictive Analytics; Cloud Security; Cyber Threats; Threat Detection; Machine Learning; Data Breaches
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