Current and future challenges for better water supply sustainability in northern part of Iraq

Tahir Shamsalddin Abdalsamad 1, *, Youssef Kassem 2 and Hüseyin Gökçekuş 3

1 Department of civil and environmental, Faculty of Engineering, near east university, (via Mersin 10, Turkey), Nicosia, Cyprus.
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Near East University, (via Mersin 10, Turkey), Nicosia, Cyprus.
3 Department of Civil Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty, Near East University, (via Mersin 10, Turkey), Nicosia, Cyprus.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2022, 05(01), 055–062.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2022.5.1.0079
Publication history: 
Received on 19 December 2021; revised on 12 February 2022; accepted on 14 February 2022
Water supply sustainability is related to our daily life and a very important issue and related for every people around the north part of Iraq. The NPI's water resources are in jeopardy. Climate change is evident in the region, and it is predicted to reduce output. The Tigris River and its tributaries, the Greater and Little Zab Rivers, as well as the Sirwan River. Extreme weather has afflicted the NPI over the last decade, ranging from droughts to torrential rainfall. For decades, water infrastructure has been neglected, environmental standards protecting water quality have been ignored, and water has been squandered due to overconsumption. In addition, the NPI's neighbours Turkey and Iran have been building a slew of dams on rivers that the NPI relies on. Some of these have the potential to have a significant impact on the Tigris flow into NPI. The water discharge of the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers is expected to drop by half in the next decade, according to the UNDP. The KRG's strategic goal is to build a significant number of dams across its territory, with the goal of storing water for irrigation and hydroelectric generation, to combat climate change, upstream dam construction, and mismanagement. Annual income for water in NPI is 28 billion meter cube but more than 20 billion meter cube was waste without benefit for water supply in general (95%) of this water was discharge without any using in for agricultural, industrial sector and domestic water supply. About the water production rate fee in NPI by Kurdistan region government (KRG) for water supply around (57400 $) every day. Water production for one day is (1.874 Million meter cubic per day) and (70 Million meters cubic per month). All of the people are responsible on their site for using water on preserving it in the rate in the region they leaving because it fact other regions.
Challenges; Water supply sustainability; Northern part of Iraq; Water production
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