Trends and challenges in engineering and technology innovation in Kenya: An analysis of students’ projects
University of Eldoret, Kenya.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2022, 06(01), 025–039.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2022.6.1.0060
Publication history:
Received on 21 April 2022; revised on 23 May 2022; accepted on 26 May 2022
Use of projects in teaching and learning is one of the strategies that promote deeper learning. It prepares students with the 21st century skills for career and life in general. Deeper Learning methods not only embed strong academic learning, but also embody the ability to solve complex problems, work collaboratively, communicate effectively and learn how to learn. Use of projects encompasses many educational methodologies that are student-centred. This paper analyses a range of technology education students’ projects for a period of two academic years with a view of outlining the major trends and challenges in technology and innovation in Kenya. A total of ninety one (91) projects were considered for desktop analysis. Data was collected by critically reviewing the objectives of the project with a view to establishing the technological aim, and the challenge being addressed by the project. From the topic the area of innovation pointed at was established. Both the outlined and inferred technological challenge within the statement of the problem and the objectives of the projects are outlined with a view to proposing the main trends and challenges in technology and innovation. Ten key areas of technological innovations were established namely technology and Security and safety at work and at home; Work facilitation and simplification; engineering in Agriculture; business management and controls; correctional services; facilitation of the differently abled members of the society, Energy provision and convenience; facilitating education and training; industrial manufacturing; and environmental sustainability. This paper recommends that the leads offered within the projects are indicators of the trends, direction and challenges in technology and innovation that Kenya and the rest of the world may focus on to solve the real life problems encountered by humanity.
Technology and Innovation; Science and Technology; Engineering and Technology; Project Learning; Technology Learning; Problem Solving, Deep Learning
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