Review of battery thermal management for electric vehicles in Indian regions
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Warangal-506004, Telangana, India.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2022, 07(02), 113-129.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2022.7.2.0138
Publication history:
Received on 18 October 2022; revised on 29 November 2022; accepted on 01 December 2022
Internal combustion engines run automobiles have become indispensable due to their versatility in accommodating both liquid and gaseous fuels derived from petroleum reserves. Extensive use of these stored fuels main sources of ground level greenhouse gases due to their in complete combustion due to many reasons. Researchers and manufacturing units of automobiles have been trying their best to meet as per strict emission norms while incorporating after treatment devices and alternative fuels. However, due to non-compliance of emission norms, many nations are seriously shifting towards electric mobility. Battery, electric motor and fuel cell units have become the target for meeting energy demand for electric vehicles. Among various types of batteries, lithium-ion batteries, because of its high specific energy and light weight, have become major source for almost all variants of electric vehicles. But lithium-ion batteries are very sensitive to change in temperature. Due to its usage being exposed to different operating conditions and ambient, thermal runaway has become predominant issue. Thermal runway has become major cause of hazardous accidents. Proper thermal management is essential to maintain lithium ion battery in the range of 15 °C to 40 °C with temperature difference among cells inside the battery pack less than 5 °C, for majority of regions of Indian terrain. Between internal and external thermal management systems, external system is more preferable. With air cooling unit has emerged as effective. The present paper reviews various external battery thermal management systems including active, passive, air, liquid, phase change material and heat pipe-based systems.
Battery Electric Vehicle; Thermal Management; Internal; External; PCM; Heat Pipe
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