Dynamic virtual assistance of I/O functionalities
Department of Information Technology Vel tech Hightech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College Avadi-Vel Tech Road, Chennai, India – 600062.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 08(02), 023–033
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.8.2.0061
Publication history:
Received on 11 January 2023; revised on 25 January 2023; accepted on 28 January 2023
With significant advancements being witnessed in the engineering industry daily, it has become increasingly vital for society to seek out particular new ways of interacting with computer technology and automation as their demand grows in society. Today, every device is developing the use of touch screen technology on its computer systems, although it is not cost-effective to use in all applications. A specialized system, similar to a virtual device, that provides object pursuit (tracking) and Gestures to let us engage; it might be an effective alternative to the standard touch screen and also the solid physical gadgets. The goal is to create an object pursuit (tracking) program that communicates with the computer system. This proposed model is a computer vision-based control system that involves hand movements taken from a digital camera via a hand detection technique implemented with OpenCV libraries.
Our project applies gesture recognition as a topic that comes under two computer science fields augmented reality and human-computer interaction and we have created a virtual gesture system to elucidate human gestures through mathematical algorithms. Users can use simple finger or hand gestures to control or interact with the system without physically touching them and also included voice assistance to start and end the gesture controlling system. Gesture recognition can be viewed as a way for computers to begin to recognize human body language and signs, thus stuffing the void between computing systems and humans than the earliest text user interfaces or even graphical user interfaces, which still limit the majority of input to keyboard and mouse are may not be very efficient at all times.
The algorithm is focused on deep learning for detecting the gestures. Hence, the proposed system will avoid the pandemic situation of COVID-19 spread by reducing the human interaction with the devices to control the system
Open CV; Pyauto GUI; Gesture Recognition; Virtual control device; Voice assistant
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