Needs for a sustainable education and training of radiation science and radiation protection in Kano state of Nigeria
1 Department of Physics Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil; Kano, Nigeria.
2 Department of Physics College of Art and Remedial Science Kano, Nigeria.
Short Communication
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2020, 01(01), 057-059.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2020.1.1.0010
Publication history:
Received on 28 August 2020; revised on 09 September 2020; accepted on 20 September 2020
Most of African countries have only few number of trained personnel’s that have the knowledge of Radiation Science and Radiation Safety. Nigeria is of this countries that have only few Radiation Scientists and Kano state in particular. Based on the IAEA basic safety standards and the 96/29 Euratom directives that stress on the need of educating societies on the hazardous nature of Radiation. The Humanity Care and Cancer Foundation in collaboration with some national institutions based in Kano state has also been giving awareness and educational training to children together with the general public on issues related to radiation science and its safety. We have observed that the public demand is very high on the need for educating the societies in Kano state of Nigeria on Radiation science and protection. In this research paper, we have identified the educational needs on Radiation science and protection in Kano state of Nigeria. However, we have also enumerated the available educational and training infrastructures, the human resources, as well as the importance of stake holders and their roles if a sustainable education and training program were to be developed in Nigeria and Kano State in particular.
Radiation; Cancer
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