Effect of heat exchanger pipe diameter on the conversion of polypropylene plastic waste
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Jl. Majapahit No. 62 Mataram-Nusa Tenggara Barat 83125, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 08(02), 339–343.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.8.2.0114
Publication history:
Received on 01 March 2023; revised on 11 April 2023; accepted on 13 April 2023
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the diameter of the heat exchanger on the formation of fuel oil from plastic waste. The raw material for plastic is polypropylene (PP), which is used to package mineral water. The research method used is an experiment to make plastic oil by pyrolysis. The procedure uses a kilogram of polyethylene. The raw material is cut into small pieces before being put into the pyrolysis tube. The result of this study is that the maximum temperature of the reactor (Tmax) is inversely proportional to the diameter of the heat exchanger used. The average volume of fuel oil produced in each variation of heat exchanger diameter is 0.625 L, 0.8 L, and 1 L, respectively. The average calorific value of the fuel produced in pyrolysis with a heat exchanger diameter of 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, and 1 inch, respectively, is 10899.67 cal/gr, 10945.33 cal/gr, and 11062.33 cal/gr.
Pyrolysis; Heat exchanger; Plastic; Calorific value
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