Design aspects, consideration for modularization layout and piping design for optimization of modularization project
Fluor Daniel India Pvt Ltd Company, 6th floor, Infinity Tower B, DLF Phase II, Gurgaon, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2021, 02(01), 011-016.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2021.2.1.0036
Publication history:
Received on 06 December 2020; revised on 14 December 2020; accepted on 16 December 2020
In chemical, petrochemical and Oil and Gas industry, few decades back Modularization concept was executed for remote site location, extreme climatic conditions but now a days Modularization concept is becoming popular and extensively utilized irrespective to site location and climatic conditions because of its potential to reduce schedule, minimizing cost, effective utilization of skilled labor, for better quality with maximum safe environment, reduction in space requirements for plant layouts and reduction in installation cost.
This paper will discuss Modularization design approaches, Consideration for Modularization layouts, consideration of piping design for optimization of modularization project. During modularization, size, weight and the center of Gravity (COG) of the module play’s important role for finalizing layouts and piping with in module, still constructability, Equipment sizing, equipment layout and piping design are critical factors in modularization.
Successful execution of modularization highly depends on the modularization design approach hence the factor stated in paper will help EPC contractors for optimization of construction by eliminating later changes in design which will be further reduction in cost and schedule impact.
In general construction schedule is largely impacted by piping installation and the cost is increased by rework, which reduces certainty on cost and schedule, the piping design and layout consideration stated in this paper will help construction to minimize on schedule and cost, by eliminating the rework done on the field.
Modularization; Modularization design concept; Modularization piping design; Modularization piping layout; Optimization of modularization; Design aspect of modularization.
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