Evaluation of diesel engine using Jatropha curcas oil base fuel under a constant speed condition
Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering Department Federal University 0f Technology Owerri
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2021, 02(01), 017-026.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2021.2.1.0011
Publication history:
Received on 08 January 2021; revised on 16 January 2021; accepted on 18 January 2021
A two stage esterification process was adopted in producing biodiesel from Jatropha curcas seed oil in a modified batch reactor. The produced fuel was washed and dried before testing it in an unmodified single stroke diesel engine. 10 liters of biodiesel was measured into five containers and blended with fossil diesel at various percentages for optimal performance in the following order; 10% (B10), 20% (B20), 50% (B50) and 70% (B70) while the fifth container was used as control at 100% biodiesel (B100). Constant engine speed test was conducted to investigate the performance of the produced fuel at known operational speeds of most farm machines. Two engine speeds were selected (2000rpm and 1500rpm). Each speed level was selected on the engine when no extra load was on it, then load from the dynamometer was gradually imposed on the system. A drop in speed was noticed and the engine was raised back to the selected speed. It was allowed to stabilize for about 3minutes before recording the spring readings on the tension side of the belt (F₁), and that on the slack side of the belt (F₂), and torque (T) on the belt and other parameters were deduced. The result of the experiment showed the high torque delivering ability of biodiesel and its blends (B10 & B20) and their ability to protect the enginewhile in operationby reducing frictional wear and tear given its high viscosity.
Jatropha Curcas; Esterification; Biodiesel; Reactor; Dynamometer.
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