Quality evaluation of soaps produced from neem seed oil and shea-butter oil

Idoko Owoicho *

Chemistry Advanced Research Center, Sheda Science and Technology Complex, PMB 186, Garki, Abuja.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2021, 02(01), 045-050.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2021.2.1.0016
Publication history: 
Received on 02 February 2021; revised on 08 March 2021; accepted on 10 March 2021
Soap is sodium or potassium salt of fatty acid produced by saponification reaction using sodium or potassium hydroxide. It is used for cleaning, bathing, and washing. Soaps were produced from neem seed oil and sheabutter oil using the cold process method with slight modification. The physicochemical properties (acid value, saponification value, peroxide value, iodine value and moisture content) of the oil were determined and it showed that the values are within the standard specifications.  The quality of the soaps were also assessed by determining the  physicochemical properties such as; free caustic alkali, matter insoluble in alcohol (MIA), pH, total fatty matter (TFM), cleaning properties, washing properties and foam stability. All the results obtained showed that the soaps analyzed are good soaps safe for the skin.
Neem Seed Oil; Sheabutter Oil; Physicochemical Properties; Soap
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