Secure healthcare system with insurance processing using blockchain
Department of Computer Science, Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2022, 07(02), 200-211.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2022.7.2.0152
Publication history:
Received on 05 November 2022; revised on 15 December 2022; accepted on 17 December 2022
Electronic health records provide details about the patient's medications and medical history records. Health information draws attackers' attention since it holds important records. The delivery of the wrong medication or operation is the outcome of the loss of electronic health records. Less security measures are provided by healthcare systems for patient safety information. With the support of particular hospitals, traditional digital health records (EHRs) manage medical information one patient record at a time, which leads to the uncomfortable exchange of records. Cloud-based EHRs are able to share information more easily than traditional EHRs. For cloud-based EHRs, however, a cloud service centre and key generation centre present a specific problem. The proposed effort focuses on developing a new EHR paradigm that can address the centralized issue with cloud-based EHRs. Applying emerging block chain technologies to EHRs is the solution (denoted as block chain-based EHRs for convenience). First, in a block chain scenario, specify the system paradigm of block chain-based EHRs. Additionally, the authentication problem can be crucial for EHRs. On the other hand, the present authentication procedures for block chain-based EHRs have security issues of their own. Additionally, a suggestion for a block chain-based EHR authentication technique is presented here. Our remedy is a collusion-resistant role-based signature system with many signatories that can fend off an attack. Additionally, the suggested method is presumably secure and offers more effective signature and verification processes than current authentication systems in the paradigm of random oracles. The recommended study also focuses on how patients file insurance claims. It helps people get insurance from the authorized insurance sector.
Implementation; Blockchain data distribution; Data distribution; EHR sharing
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